Are You Broken and Tired?

tired and broken multiracial couple arguing with each other in street

Started 2023 with lots of hope, I assume. Can I ask you, how has that been for you? I mean, how have all those plans and aspirations panned out in these past few months? Are you broken and tired?

I may not know how things have been for you, but I do know that one thing everyone can relate to, is how uncertain life can be. In all our hopes, plans, and aspirations, I can rightly assume that none of us factored in challenges that will spring up on us, but they did. While praying, some of us became disappointed, broken, and tired. All the enthusiasm and energy that the new year began with have already faded, and many people have fallen back into hopelessness.

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1 Corinthians 13:5 PHILLIPS)

I watched a short film by Juwon Odetayo on youtube early hours of this morning titled “FADING”. It was short and very intriguing. This film is a motivation to today’s blog post.

I’ll put the link to the film at the end of the blog post.

We have one silent entitlement. Okay, let me not generalize. Most of us do. and it is this: We think we are “entitled” to be offended when we are offended by people. I do it too. So, you are not alone.

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