When we are hungry, we start looking for food to eat. We go to market or the stores, we buy what to eat, come home to prepare it, and eat. We go all that length to quench our hunger and even our thirst.
When we want a particular hairstyle, a particular cloth or shoe or whatever, we go to whatever length within our reach to get it.
When we miss the people we love, we call, text and sometimes even travel miles to visit them and register our care and concern for them.
Most times and in most cases, we take care of our needs. We take responsibility and we go all out to meet them, whichever way we can.
How come, when we feel the dryness in spirit, when we struggle with our spiritual life, when our spirit yearns for more of God, we dont go all out to fill this void, to quench the thirst?
How come we are comfortable to just know that we are disconnected but never attempts to open our bible, and start studying it chapter by chapter?
How come the hunger, dryness and the disconnect we feel, does not push us to sit down, lock the doors, turn on a playlist of worship song (and even look for the songs to download them and create the playlist) and begin to sing out in tears, and perhaps as we worship the Lord and invite Him to come once again and renew our Spirit?
How come the need to grow spiritually does not push us to delete/block contacts and break free from evil communications/ friendships/relationships that contaminates our walk with God?
How come we don’t leave places and change base from the spot that seeks to drown us in Sin?How come we dont leave groups or break free from discussions that feed us with vile things which pollutes our souls?
How are we not done with deleting movies, songs, sites that lure us further into destructions and glorifies God in no way?
How are we so in need of God and yearning but have not decided to fill our social media timeline with God vibes, by seeking out the pages who share about the Lord and the testimonies of our faith?
How do we not seek out sermons from trusted ministers on youtube, download audio sermons from such ministers from Google search?Download ebooks Or go to the nearest book shop to get books from trustworthy Preachers and minister that will stir our lives and spirit again?
How come we are not allocating a portion of our time every day to pursue/seek God, and to build a relationship with Him and grow deeper in our journey with Him?
In Conclusion,
Friends, you have as much of God as you want to have.
You are as deep spiritually, as you want to be.
No one has a monopoly of the Holy Spirit, no one has an exclusive access to God. No one has an entitlement to be a firebrand Chistian than others. No one has all rights reserved when it comes to spitting rhema and accurately dishing out the word of God. No one.
What you have and where you currently are, is your choice.
Our master Jesus Christ, has already thrown the invitation open to ALL when He said:
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened
Matthew 7:7-8
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
James 4:8
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
“On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.”
John 7:37
I think the favourite thing about the passages above for me is that in all of them, the responsibility getting that which one seeks or needs is rests on the persons who needs it!
It is always “Come…”
You are the one to go after what you want friends. Please listen,
- Do not shift the responsibility by looking for who pray for you, instead look for who will pray with you.
- Do not seek who will mentor you to make you grow, rather look for those with whom you can grow with and perhaps help you gain clarity and direction from your personal efforts.
So we are to take responsibility of our own growth, make our efforts and then seek out others who can help us deepen our work, and not spoonfeed us.
Most times people look for those who will call them and ask them to pray, give them bible passages to read, send the messages to listen to. That is all good but I have done that with alot of people to know that isn’t what you need to grow.
What you need is to seek God first by yourself. Then be accountable to those whom you seek out mentorship with, and together find ways to clarify and deepen your work.
I pray that these words encourage us and edify us to take the responsibility of reviving our walk with Christ without delay, in Jesus name..Amen
Write you soon.