The Idols of My Heart: A Journey of Vulnerability and Faith

Dear Amanda,

"I've lived life from a place of fear, wanting to guide, monitor, and control everything. Slowly, I feel I'm becoming a control freak, attached to things and people I don't want to lose because they define me. When they're taken away, I feel broken and hurt. I fight hard to control and keep things together, but it leaves me exhausted and feeling all alone".....Diary Extract
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Return to Eden: A Call to Originality and Intimacy with God

Dear Amanda,

I know it’s been a while since you last heard from me, and I apologize. I’ve been in a phase of rejuvenation, where I’ve been called to unlearn and relearn how to live my life uncharted, solely on God’s terms. It’s been a long learning process for me to recover my stance, find my place, and discover myself amidst life’s many struggles and darkness.

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A Deep Craving

Dear Amanda,

Today, I experienced something that has left me pondering and considering how you might be faring. As I woke up this morning, I was gripped by a profound craving and a deep longing for sexual affection. My emotions were tumultuous, and every feeling seemed heightened by the presence of self.

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