When I leave the face of this earth, I want to be remembered fondly for a lot of things. Because I will be and do so many things. Despite the many hats I will be wearing.
I want to be remembered for four things chiefly: As a woman of prayer, the Word, Faith and of love.
I don’t say these because I have “arrived” in these areas. On the contrary, they represent my BIGGEST struggles. That is why I made them my HIGHEST aims. Plus, my ability to become all that God created me to be and being able to impact others within my sphere of influence are all hinged on thd four.
But my greatest legacy is not what I did for the outside world. But with my family. I’ll be judged by my persona, by strangers and acquaintances. Whereas my family see me up close.
Beyond being good in bed, an excellent cook and housekeeper, an awesome administrator and commander of multiple streams of income into the family, beyond being a wonderful complement and partner in vision, looks and behavior, I want my husband to be able to remark truthfully that,
My wife is a praying woman. I fear no fall, failure or evil because I know I am covered always. I am doubly blessed to be married to her.
I pray to become a doting mother. Helping my kids discover their paths early and allowing them to fly and be the best versions of themselves. But beyond all the memories my kids will have of me, I want them to be able to tell anyone in confidence that “I have a praying mother“
The most vivid images I would want them to have is not that of me pressing my phone or working with my laptop. Not even writing or reading a book, speaking to a people, running a business, doing ‘ministry’ or anything fancy that sounds like “purpose“. I want them to remember sneaking in on me in the kitchen and ‘catch’ me praying as I did the dishes or cooking. I want them to steal glances at me in the car and find me praying under my breath. Or find me sprawled on the floor of my home office in worship or prayer. Or poring over the pages of scripture. I want them to remember these as my constant lines:
Have you prayed about it? What does the Word say?” I want them to remember tucking them into bed and find my hands on their foreheads praying and declaring over their lives
In their teenage years and even in adulthood, when they hit a brick wall or confused or scared of something, I want them to be able to reach their phones and put a call across to mummy to pray along with/for them. I would want them to constantly remember even when I am not physically present with them, that they have a mother that is constantly labouring in prayers for them. Until Christ is formed in them. Until Christ is seen in and through them.
I always imagine having any of them rise to a platform to give a tribute of me and say stuffs like:
“My mother was so many things and everything to me. My mother taught me so many things. But her biggest legacy was her spiritual life. I came this far in life chiefly because of her.”
Gary Chapman suggested that there were five love languages.
But he skipped a huge one. The main one. The one everyone has in common irrespective of age, gender or personality – PRAYER. The best way to show love is to pray for another. I will be a liar and full of wickedness if I say I love my family and I fail to pray for them. One of my biggest regrets in life is not starting early enough to say these prayers. I hope I can redeem ‘lost’ time.
Ultimately, I don’t want to be known to speak about prayer. Or talk about prayer. Or write on prayer. Or Word Study. I want those closest to me, and even God Himself to confirm that I lived it out.
Here are some screenshot I got from twitter from what people had to say about their parents. While you take a look at them, I want you to ask yourselves sincerely. Can my child speak of me like this in years to come?

For more click on the twitter trend.
Do share in the comment section, how you want to be remembered. If you’ve never thought about it, I guess this should be a wake up call. Pick up your journal and write it down, your future self will thank you.

Hmmnn… Simple, yet deep!
This right here describes my current journey:
“The most vivid images I would want them to have is not that of me pressing my phone or working with my laptop. Not even writing or reading a book, speaking to a people, running a business, doing ‘ministry’ or anything fancy that sounds like “purpose“. ”
Your quest is palpable,
This hunger is clearly insatiable,
The challenge is definitely a tall order and a call to wake up!
Thanks for sharing. It has caused me have a re-think over what i want to be remembered for.
Thank you, Ebenezer, for engaging and leaving a comment. I pray that the Lord will help us and give us the grace to be and do all that is needed in parenting the God way in Jesus’ name Amen.
“My wife is a praying woman. I fear no fall, failure or evil because I know I am covered always. I am doubly blessed to be married to her”.
This is what I want my husband to say of me by God’s grace.
Amen…. God grant you your desires in Jesus name Amen
May I be remembered for how much I loved God & others.
Amen and Amen