I find it truly captivating that the word “Ember” signifies a glowing fragment, like a fading coal in a dwindling fire. Embers are those residual flickers of light that persist in the aftermath of a fire’s peak, quietly smoldering within the ashes.
Thursday Musings- Emotions
Some days back, I taught a group about emotions and how to begin the journey of self-regulation. The majority of the time, an overly emotional response is a sign that a long-buried traumatic memory has been aroused. As they say, “If it is hysterical, it is historical.”
Most times, the action and the reaction are unequal. The event that sparked the emotions and the way the person responded are often not commensurate.
Thursday Musings- The Remnant
There are people that the scripture calls ‘The Remnant.‘ In days of old, these were Israelites who survived the war and slavery and could now return to their homeland.