Written by Mary Nwanua
It is February, the time of the year when we are still fired up and want to fulfill our goals, dreams, and aspirations. I am excited for you, and I hope you win big. But while you are at it, I have a few questions: How large is your dream? What do you aim for? What do you see? And on whose arm are you leaning on?
Hmmm, some profound questions!
Many of us often experience a taste of God’s goodness, grace, or anointing and mistakenly believe that’s the extent of what is available to us. We settle into a comfortable state, running on the old anointing, old wine, and an unrenewed strength, without realizing there’s more to explore. this reminds me of a scripture in the Holy Bible where the prophet Ezekiel was taken to a river (Ezekiel 47: 1-6).
Initially, the water was at ankle level, but as he ventured deeper, it kept rising. So, he had to rely on the Lord’s strength as the water surpassed his ability to move. As interesting as it is in its narrative, the scripture prompts contemplation on what might have happened had Ezekiel remained at the point where the water merely touched his ankles.
How would he have gauged the depth of the water?
It’s like staying at the river’s edge – you won’t know the depth until you dive in.
What would have happened if he had dived deeper into the water without assistance?
Well, this scenario can only leave room for speculation.
Dearly beloved, the depth of knowing comes from actively exploring; and the ability to sustain what you know hinges on the support received or the roadmap followed during the journey of discovery. So, here’s a quick for you:
What do you know?
What or who sustains you?
Who feeds your knowledge?

The Ezekiel 47: 1-6 analogy illustrates how staying in a place of comfort can lead to complacency and even bondage. It’s akin to becoming a slave to that comfort, limiting oneself to what seems familiar. comfort can be deceptive, causing us to let our guard down and making us vulnerable to the enemy’s subtle attacks (Matthew 13:25). , Also, take Jacob’s blessing on Issachar:
14 Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens:
15 And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant and bowed his shoulder to bear and became a servant unto tribute.
(Gen 49: 14-15 KJV)
As I reflect on the scripture, three words echo strength, comfort, and sight. The scripture begins by highlighting Issachar’s strength and transitions into the significance of his viewpoint (sight), culminating in comfort-related choices. Issachar’s blessing serves as a cautionary tale— starting as a strong man but ending up as a servant to tributes or subjected to forced labor, which resulted from his choice. This raises the question of what he sees and from whose perspective. The emphasis on how we perceive things, define comfort, and acknowledge our strengths resonates. This verse also leaves me contemplating the danger of not understanding one’s strength.
Pondering on this scripture, I question: How do you define yourself? What strengths, abilities, or giftings do you possess? What do you see or perceive? What choices do you make based on your perceptions? Where do you position yourself? What will be the result of your options? Consider where you stand and what your ultimate destination is. In the journey from prophecy to recognition and fulfillment, we must navigate personal abilities, perspectives (sight), and comfort to reach our ultimate goal.
Similarly, many of us possess abundant gifts and talents from the Lord, yet due to comfort or misconceptions, we settle for less than what we are called to. Comfort can hinder growth when defined by our standards rather than God’s. Furthermore, the examples of Elisha’s servant (2 Kings 6: 17-20) and the blind man of Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26) highlight the significance of seeing with clarity.
Finally, it’s my prayerful plea that we open our eyes to the reality of who we are in God and the strength we’ve been given. Also, recognizing that there is more to God, situations, and circumstances is crucial. Do not settle for less when God has more in store, and avoid seeing a starting point as the final destination.
“Explore the vastness of God’s blessings and do not limit yourself to a perceived endpoint.”

This was a very reflective read, and a call to greatness.
Thank you Joey. Glad to have you here.