Exactly two days ago, I had a quick chat with someone following a picture she shared on her status. It was about the fate of Nigeria, and the current state of things in Nigeria.
If you know me closely, you may decipher that I avoid political conversations (for certain reasons). Anyways, this unusual discussion happened and I found myself telling her;
“Asides prayer, there is always one thing you can do. You are not helpless. Ask God what’s your own role in nation building. Everyone has a role.”
To which she replied, “Role? In this country?
Hmmn! Do I think so?” And she went on to explain what she meant via a voice note.
Anyways, that day, I felt God’s pain. I tried to imagine how God may be viewing humans, especially believers, who are supposed to be the salt and light in a failed and decaying world.
Have you ever been too tired of what is happening around you and you can’t seem to find the right words to say in prayers? That was my situation. Thankfully, God can reach out to us even in our weakness. And He told me this:
EVERY ill you see around you is a PURPOSE FAILURE.
Evil and corruption has continued to thrive because someone, somewhere, failed to arise in his or her calling and fulfill his or her God-given destiny. Before you begin to point fingers because you think the “someone” in that context is distant, let me announce that I am referring to you and I.
If you are currently not in your position, running a God-given assignment based on a divine vision you caught from God, you are failing Nigeria. (I am a Nigerian, that’s why I’m using Nigeria.) You are failing the world.
There is a Nehemiah that failed to take a leave break or even resign from his comfort-zone job as a cup-bearer and rebuild the broken walls of an area of society.
There is a Daniel who refused to venture into politics or become a government official and risk being different, even when his life is at stake.
There is an Esther, who chose to enjoy the luxuries of the palace instead of prayerfully confronting her husband in authority to change the reforms of the day. Her entire dream of being married to the king has been fulfilled. So, she has switched to relass-and-be-taken-kiaruff mode.
There is a Joseph who prefers to hold on to his coat of many colors and enjoy the special treatment from his father than get sold and find his way to Egypt, endure false charges/ imprisonment and eventually provide solution to what would have been an economic crisis.
There is a Gideon who has refused to see himself the way God sees him – a mighty man of valour – but chose instead to cower in fear as he threshes wheat. Gideon doesn’t think the salvation of his people lies with him. He is busy questioning and blaming God for all the ills in his society whereas he is the one the whole world is waiting for; the judge that will free his people from the oppression of the Midianites.
There is a Mary who cannot endure shame and ridicule to birth a God-vision. She is still thinking about what will people say. And she fears greatly that running with her assignment as a single woman will scare Joseph away from her and ruin her dreams of being a Mrs.
There is a Moses, ignoring the cries of pain and anguish coming from his people, but prefers to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter and enjoy the pleasures of sin in Egypt than to turn around and “bite the hands that fed him” in a bid to save God’s own people.
There is a Jonah who is still running away from destiny. He doesn’t want to preach that sermon. Write that post. Start that podcast. Begin that Youtube channel. Write that book. Begin that class or online training. He is still waiting for someone to push him around or for a fish to swallow him first before he catches the memo that God is serious about saving the world.
There is a Peter who has refused to abandon his nets and fishing business and go fish for souls instead. He doesn’t like the unpredictable waters of ministry and will prefer to hold on to his 9-5 or business.
There is Anna who has chosen to sleep throughout the night than to arise and take her place as a prophetic intercessor and labour in prayers, fastings and worship until God’s will is established on earth.
There is an Ezekiel who has been gifted with a prophetic voice. Instead of calling dead bones to life, he is speaking negatively about his nation and her future; tearing her down with his words instead of building her up.
Should I continue?
Before I go on to drive this nearer home with contemporary examples,
There is someone somewhere who failed to venture into the police force and cleanse the system…but he ignores that nudge because he feels the Nigerian Police Force is for never-do-wells. Yet he carried placard in October 2021 that read “END SARS”
There is someone who has the expertise or the resources to build a medical facility that rape victims can turn to and be sure they will get medical evidence that can aid tracking down their rapists. Well, he is yet to do so.
There is a lawyer somewhere who has the experience and influence to fight for helpless victims. And take it to any extent until justice is served. Probably, she went into another law specialty because that area pays more.
There is someone somewhere who is meant to climb those corridors of power. He chose not to join because “politics is a dirty game” or he joined and he allowed the culture of Babylon to influence him.
There is a journalist somewhere who is meant to bleed his pen so that the truth will spread abroad. He prefers to use his time and writing skills to blog about celebrity gossip.
There is a teacher, who because she is underpaid, fails to see her job as a ministry platform to mould destines and raise agents of change/leaders of tomorrow. As a result, children and teenagers pass through her and yet are caught in the web of immorality and corruption that confront them always.
There is a medical practitioner, who is busy lamenting about the woes of the Nigerian healthcare system and is furiously making his own selfish plans to “escape” abroad where he will align with a “better” system.
(Before someone starts to think I am “beefing” their relocation, please o, I don’t have a problem with you travelling out if it is in line uuiuin God’s will for your life.)

While the doctor is still here, he is failing to do his own part to be an agent of healing and spreading love/gospel. Weekly, he watches patients die in his care, never leading them to Christ or using the power of healing at his disposal. He doesn’t realize he is an apostle; sent to the hospital. How can he? He never thinks he is part of the problem….the government is. As always.
Before you pronounce judgement on Tinubu or any leader, hope you are warming up for your own judgment for failing to step into your place and do your bit. Chances are, you are no better than him.
In Conclusion,
When you refuse to walk in purpose, whether out of ignorance of what it is or reluctance to do it even when you know what it is, you are part of the Nigeria/world’s problem.
Speaking of judgment, let me tell you something interesting so that you can begin to pray better. Because I know many of you are still praying for the country emotionally.
Have you wondered why we have been raining abuses, curses, and judgement on these leaders and it’s looking like God is not moving a muscle.
Recent prophecies have gone forth that points that the judgement and cleansing will begin with the Church.
It seems God has more problems with believers than He has with Tinubu and his cohorts.
Think about this for a minute,
How can you expect solutions from the same set of persons who caused and still causing the problems?
I am always blown when I see people expect a lot from an unbelieving government.
You are asking for too much.
Darkness can NEVER be the cure for darkness.
Darkness has covered the earth. Thick darkness the people.
What’s the solution? Light!
Who did scriptures say is the light of the earth?
I believe you catch the point now.
A tasteless soup has no power within its self to make the soup sweet.
Salt has to be introduced.
You are salt.
Why do you even want to learn about purpose?
Just to join the league of those who proudly say they have discovered purpose?
Purpose is not fancy.
Purpose will cost you.
Purpose may demand you to let go of things you hold dear.
The Bible, as you see it, is a book narrating the purpose journies of men and women who risked it all to follow God. There is nothing fancy about the names I listed above.
They paid huge prices to fulfill destiny and to change the world from their little corners.
I hope I am addressing a community filled with eager change-makers. People who are ready to rewrite history. People who are prepared to take over their mountains of influence. People who are willing to run with any vision God drops in their heart. I hope I am not writing to a group of people who are fixated on living out their own dreams and ambitions at the expense of their God-given assignments.
I want your hearts to burn throughout this series. Not out of guilt but with a sense of urgency. I don’t want anyone reading this blog, ever thinking they have no role to play in making the world a better place.
You are not merely an insignificant statistic out of the billions of humans on planet earth who exist only to go to school, graduate, marry, have kids, go to a job daily or run a business.
There is more to your life than all these. Little wonder you have that nagging feeling that there ought to be something more despite the fact you checked all your “attainment boxes”.
Whether you are single or married, in school or with a degree, running a career or a business, in Nigeria or living in diaspora…
The entire creation is gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, waiting and longing to see the manifestation of God’s sons.
Happy New Month Blog Family, welcome to the last quarter of the year 2023.

Well articulated piece. I love it.
God will help Us
More auction, more grace in Jesus name Amen
Thank you mom ❤️