Grand Welcome to February!!!
Life happens, but life doesn’t have to happen to you. You can choose to make the happenings of life work to your growth and favor. In this beautiful month, learn to maximize the grace available in order to walk worthy of what God has called you towards.
This is a continuation of the series The woman I (You) must Become in 2023. Missed the first series you can catch up here.
- Be a woman clothed with light:
I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
Revelations 12:1
We are on Revelations 12. As you go through the scriptures we understand that light represents the word. In this year 2023, purpose to be a woman covered with the word.
Say to yourself: Emmanuella (insert your name), I am covered with the word.
Note, the woman had every part of her covered! body, head and feet
You have to be intentional about digging out the truth in the scriptures for every area of your life.
For every sphere of your life, there is a prevailing truth. Decide not to leave yourself naked. You can’t get through life effectively if you are not fully clothed.
Imagine you are in the artic region, if you covered your body, and forgot your hair, its just a matter of time, the little cold will catch up with your body. You can’t leave any area of your life to chance, when you find out that you are lagging behind in one area, go through scriptures for it, go through books, listen to sermons, Be still before God, Seek counsel.
What does it mean to be clothed with the sun?
I saw a woman clothed with the sun: When we think of clothing what comes to mind? I guess warmth, covering, protection, and succor.
You must be a woman who finds her covering, warmth, protection, and succor from the word of God.
Not money, Not friends, Not fame, Not your career.
The sun generates its own heat. Everything you need for life in 2023 is found in the scriptures. If we clothe ourselves to protect our selves from the harsh weather, then we find out that the weather is not the problem -given its nature, it is bound to change.
What does this mean?
It doesn’t matter the weather (situation) hot, cold, warm. you are always dressed for the occasion. God’s word is the only clothing tailored suit for you, for every situation. Get into that! Word!
Be intentional about being clothed with revelation!
In 2023, I am immersed in Light!
No man satisfies, no job satisfies. Nothing! except the word.
The extent of your covering and mine will determine how much the weather will affect you.
No wonder two Christians in the same situations, both have different outcomes.
The moon was beneath her feet:
Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling.
Psalms 119:105
The moon is a form of light, it’s an illuminator.
David said that the word of God is flashlight for his path. The woman had a light under feet to guide her path. In 2023, purpose to be a woman led by the word of God.
Let the word be your compass to taking a new job, to moving to a new home.
Being led by the Sprit is not different from being led by the word. They are the same. The Holy Spirit will not guide against the written word.
Let God’s word illuminate every move you make. Decide, till you get a word, you make no move. God is only mandated to sponsor his word. This woman was led by the word.
Sit down and let God guide you.
Who is the flashlight shining your path?
your will?
or the enemy?
In 2023, purpose that God becomes your flashlight. If you don’t see light, don’t walk. Wait for the word! Anyone hasting you to move without a direction should as well wait with you. Now does this mean that for every decision you hear a voice or have a Bible quotation? This is where intimacy comes in. There are times I have waited and what I heard was seek counsel.
The times I didn’t, I have paid dearly for it. Trust me, it’s not funny. Intimacy helps me know the character of my father.
I love the way Bishop TD Jakes describes it – Intimacy = Into me see
Seeing into the will of God. With Intimacy, I begin to decipher what is consistent with what He wants. He helps me see things in his view. My will becomes refined that I desire what he desires.
“Delight your self in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart
Intimacy helps me know the character of my father. I begin to decipher what is consistent with what he wants. He helps me see this in his view. Such that when I go through the decision (not leaning on my understanding I can perceive his will. Sometimes, Apostle Paul said, I perceive. Perception is a spiritual skill that is developed in the place of prayer. For instance, when you stay close to a fast food, you can perceive and decipher whether its chicken or beef. Why? you have stayed.
Finally, she had a crown of 12 stars on her head
The number 12 often alludes to completion in the scripture.
You must cover your head with the complete counsel of God. From our sphere, stars look so small, but a quick google search will show you otherwise. The beautiful thing about the stars is that they shine to the extent to which they can radiate energy, that is why some stars shine brighter than others. Seek the complete counsel, get the full loading and Shine!
How loaded is the year 2023?
Do not miss out on what God has in store for you.