I was buried beneath my sheets, my pillow saturated with tears.
To avoid making a sound, I tightened my teeth.
I reflected on everything that had happened.
With my throat too dry to speak, I raised my gaze to the hills and my hands to heaven.
“Father, have compassion on me; please help my emotion,” I screamed with what little strength I had left.
I drifted off into the darkness of the night, with that and a melancholy heart searching for an exit.
I’m not sure whether it was a dream or a reality.
But I recall hearing someone say to me, “Can you forgive yourself?”
As the year comes to a close, I ask you the same question: Can you? Can you forgive yourself?
I understand you had some unmet expectations and broken promises, but can you forgive you?
Yes, you did not meet your objectives.
In truth, it was your recklessness that cost you the contract.
And your foolishness cost you some wonderful friends.
Can you, however, forgive yourself?
True, you abruptly ended a promising relationship.
You purposefully chose the wrong road.
You succumbed to envy, pride, and arrogance in order to explain yourself.
And the year concluded without a single victory.
Bitterness is now your bed, self-hatred is your cover, weakness is your cloth, and tears are your ornament.
But, once again, I ask: can you forgive yourself?
It may be difficult to forgive, but you must.
It may take a long time to forget your wasted hours, but you must let go.
It could take years to heal, but you must begin somewhere.Enough with the 2022 pity.
Take control of yourself.
Forgive yourself and begin to mend.
Make a clean slate for yourself.
8 “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. 19 Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.
Isaiah 43:18-19 (MSG)
Take out the pen once more.
And redo that lovely story.
Every story starts somewhere.
This is the start. Let go of the past and embrace the present.
The entire world is waiting for you.
The world is waiting for your manifestation.
You will quickly forget God’s goodness if you are not careful about remembering it.
Forgetfulness fosters ingratitude and muttering. You will not be appreciative if you do not recall.
With the few hours into the NEW YEAR 2023….. Count your Blessings and Remember His Goodness.
Let me be the first to wish you a “Happy New Year, Happy New Beginning.”
Written by Mary Nwanua
I sincerely appreciate you, who takes time to read every blog post. I am positive that you have been blessed in 2022. Thank you for following, commenting, sharing and liking. God Bless You. I love you and I want us to grow together in 2023.
Thank you to every amazing contributors, God Bless you Mary Nwanua and Blessing Fadipe.

Thanks for sharing this
Thank you for the year 2022. Thank you for always engaging. God Bless you. Cheers to a beautiful New Year ahead.