Written by Blessing Fadipe Eliezra
It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon, welcome to today’s study it’s my earnest prayer that we will be blessed today. Amen.
Judges 6 verses 11 -14
The children of Israel did evil in the sight of God and He delivered them into the hands of the Midian for seven years, then they cried unto the lord and in verse 11 the angel of the lord appeared to a mighty man of valor who was hiding from the enemy.
Gideon’s reply to the angel’s greeting pointed to the fact that he has been bothered about the oppression and state of the nation.
I know church has taught us that we shouldn’t question God, but then there’s a difference between questioning God and asking God questions. Today am talking about that father to child time, when you can ask him all your “whys”.
Interestingly God expects us to ask him what we do not know. Jeremiah 33:1-3.
When God wants to introduce you to your calling/assignment He first birth a burden which leads to series of questions.
Whys ?
“Whys” always precede both revelation and revolution. Since what you don’t have burden for, you’re not equipped to face. When God wants to birth a new move he began to instigate spiritually dissatisfied and hungry men to ask questions that provoke encounters.
Another prominent strategy of the devil to prolong affliction is to shut the spirit of men from conceiving burdens and shut their mouths from asking questions.
God will never empower a man to change a system he has no burden for, and we will know by the kind of questions you ask.
Gideon was called a mighty man of valor not because he has strength for battle but because of the strength of his burden.
He was mighty in burden for Israel. If only we can find men like Gideon and women like Deborah mighty in burden for Nigeria, for the church and for their families. Can it be that the reason the empowerment and answers you seek hasn’t come is because you are not sufficiently burdened or because you are not consistently asking?
The difference between questioning God and asking God question is consistency and only burdens birth persistency!
In Conclusion,
Unlike Gideon we do not have to wait for an angelic visitation to have a “why time” with God. Because of Jesus’s sacrifice we now have 24/7 access.
So I am challenging you to start asking your “whys”, ask in prayers and fasting’s, ask in study, ask in speech, ask in action and keep asking until the desired change comes and it will not delay in Jesus Name. Amen
God bless you, I’ll see you next week.
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