Emmanuella is a sage with a passion for reaching out to young people with the message of renowned self-identity, embracing individuality and unapologetic societal impact. As one with a passion for writing but found it difficult to write, I knew I had something in me, and wanted my voice to be heard, so I created a free blog on WordPress and started writing bit by bit. There was massive growth and I took a bold step and paid for my own domain. I bought a domain in the year 2021, it was up and running.
Somewhere along the line, I became inconsistent, stopped writing, gave up, and planned not to push through with the blog.
What Changed?
Several people kept asking what was up with my blog and I couldn’t give a valid answer. I literally ran back to God and inquired if I should go ahead.
Your guess is as good as mine. Smiles!
I renewed my blog in January 2022 and wrote my first post on THE BIG THING IN STARTING ALL OVER.
This blog is a dream come true.
Did you know?
This blog was first dedicated to God on the 27th of May 2020 after I received a word concerning my blog during my devotion. Glad I wrote the vision down and made it plain in my journal. When I became weary I picked it up again, read it, and ran again.
I found some of my most transformational instruction from God while studying the pages of the Bible. It is the written Bible, but right within it, are unseen codes that are precise for your purpose.
Scriptural reference for Emmanuella’s blog
”The Lord God has given me his words of wisdom so that I may know what I should say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning he awaken me and opens my understanding to his will.”
Isaiah 50:4-5
More about Emmanuella
I am a sexual purity advocate, I love teenagers and I am a teen mentor. I consider myself as a channel for the wisdom of God to flow to my generation.
Emboldened by love I want to inspire and empower you to live your best life as a Christian as we make Abba proud of us.
I hope you join me on this journey to living each day with purpose and conviction.