Today, I will begin a mini series series on the Woman I (you) must become in 2023
Now, when God gives you a word, asides claiming it, you must be prepared to become the person the word will come to. I like to think of this in this way. The word comes with power, an address and a fulfillment. Rest assured the word will come – Jeremiah said ‘and the word appeared to me.’ But Can the word locate you? I am sure that some of us may have things that we have written that God will also be doing.
Asides writing: “This is my year of open doors.” or My year of divine multiplication.
You need to find out who does God want you to be to align to that position of multiplication. You need to understand the spiritual principles that guide open doors.
Amongst all things, Joseph had to be skilled and sensitive to listen to God to interpret dreams. It was becoming that man that positioned him for the favor written about him.
Are you ready for the word that has come?
The anointing is in the similitude of an oil. It flows, but it flows on a vessel. The container is essential. Can you contain the anointing of God? Are you ready for this?
Who do you have to become in 2023?
Who is the woman that we must become in 2023?
Now to the woman we should strive to become in 2023:
- Endeavour to be a SIGN
A great sign appeared in heaven…
(Rev 12:1) NIV
Then a great pageant appeared in heaven, portraying things to come
(Rev 12:1) TLB
What is a sign?
1. An object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
2. To put a signature on to show acceptance, agreement, or responsibility
3. A sign is a general word for a visible trace or indication of an event, either past, present, or future.
So I say to myself: Emmanuella, you will be a sign. A woman that indicates the certain presence of God.
I love the way the TLB put in. “Then – a great pageant appeared in heaven portraying things to come.”
God is calling you and I to become a sign. The world is desperate for your manifestation. Nothing foretold the history of the woman. She “appeared”. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. You can appear and start all over again with the help of the Holy Spirit. Her appearance also means she had been somewhere.
Stay in the presence of God!
You must get tired of the status quo!
How can you be a sign?
- You must die to self, and be willing to let Christ shine through you. To be a sign, you lose relevance to yourself, and assume a new purpose. The goal is Christ glorified, the agenda is the Kingdom mandate. Sit down and ask the Holy spirit, what needs to go in my life? What do I need to let go of? Who do I need to let go of? Intend that your life must show the existence of someone greater than you. You must die to religion, awake to the reality of Christ

The second definition indicates that a sign is a Signature–
A signature indicates an agreement, acceptance, or a seal. In 2023, purpose to be a seal. You become a seal of the finished work of Christ. When Jesus breathed his last, he said it is finished.
In 2023, you have to trust God to be a signature of that word – a confirmation that what He said is true. Jesus wasn’t lying when He said those words. Leave the signature of Christ in all you do. In your relationships, in your family, in your school. If things are not going well spiritually, financially, etc. in your family. You must purpose that you become a signature of the finished work of Christ in your family.
The third definition talks about being a Trace–
Can people follow your footprints to Christ? If we give you a person to mentor, will they follow the same thing you do, and get to God? If not, intend that will change this year. You can’t be the woman that misleads. In 2023.
Purpose to be the woman that leaves traces of Christ.
Purpose to be a woman that leave the aroma of Christ in everything you do.
As you journey into the year 2023,
Remember, you must be a Sign: A signature, a seal ,and a fulfilled prophecy.
So today I write this on a fresh page and I say to myself
In 2023, Emmanuella (insert your name) you become a sign – a trace to full nature of Christ
You become a sign – mark of ownership, you are tailored fit to the kingdom
This is the woman you are in 2023!
What about you?
To be continued!