This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. It’s my sincere prayer that this study will be a blessing to you, that this light will become life to us in Jesus name Amen. Today we will be considering the topic: Dead ends: trapped in obedience. with a study focus on Exodus 14: 1-15
The Israelites have been in bondage for years, they had no idea what freedom or liberty means. Their lives were going painfully normal, no false hope, no God or Moses getting on pharaoh’s nerves. Just the normal daily dose of stress. Until Moses showed up with a deliverance message from God and a miracle rod with which series of not so nice signs where performed forcing Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
My emphasis is on the verse 8-10, The Israelites found themselves at a dead end. Red sea in front, Pharaoh’s army behind. And as expected they complained, blaming God and Moses. They probably didn’t know that there was a red sea ahead but God sure knew, yet God instructed them to a dead end. They were trapped by obedience. Have you ever felt this way?
As believers there are some things we need to know about dead ends:
1. Our dead ends are God’s design-
Jeremiah 29:11 says I know the thoughts that I think towards you saith the Lord, the thought of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Note that it didn’t say an expected process The red sea is part of the process it’s not the end.
2. Dead ends have the capacity to produce fear which is the opposite of faith-
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. If God said he’s taking you to Jericho, then there must be a way around the red sea. If where you are does not look like where God said he is taking you to, then relax the journey continues.
3. Our most important weapon at dead ends is an assurance of God’s promises via word based confessions-
Fear is a loud voice telling you that the worst has happened, your faith must be louder, reaffirming that the things that we see are temporal. In vs. 13 of Exodus 14 we saw Moses reassuring the Israelites of victory even before God told him what to do.
Let faith confession be part of your reflex.
2 Corinthians 4:13b….. We also believe, and therefore speak…
4. Our dead ends in the light of God’s promises are miracle spots-
In our text we saw that God brought them to the sea not to bring them to a dead end but to bring them to an opportunity, an opportunity for a miracle. An opportunity to wipe out the Egyptian enemy once and for all. He also did it for Daniel in Daniel 5:4-24. Daniel thrown into the lions den which was supposed to be a dead end but ended up as an opportunity to win the king’s heart and also destroy his enemies. For Daniel and the Israelites it was a miracle spot. A place of incomprehensible deliverance. And so shall it be for you.
Have you found yourself at a dead end recently?
Are you at a dead end while reading this now? In terms of hope, relationship, job, dream, sinful habits, finances or even faith?
It’s not the time to whine about how God took advantage of your obedience, or how it’s your pastor or parent that led you down this path. It’s also not the time to back down or turn back. What God said to Moses and the Israelites is what he is saying to us
Go forward
The red sea won’t part because you’re standing by the river bank. There is an highway to be revealed but it will only respond to the movement of your feet in the water.
Step out
Step out to give even though you’re at a dead end financially.
Step out and apply again.
Step out and believe again.
When the leprous men in 2kings 7:3-20 stepped out, even their faint steps were amplified and the entire nation was saved.
Proverbs 14:12 says; there’s a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Living in sin is like living on dead end street, just like God made way out of the red sea he has made a way out of sin. This day again He’s setting before you death and life and he is pleading with you to choose life.
Do you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour or you want to rededicate your life to him?
Please pray this prayer with me:
Lord Jesus, I accept that am a sinner and I can’t help myself, I confess that you died for me so that I won’t have to die in sin, I accept you as my Lord and personal savior, forgive me my sins and help me to live for you and for the rest of my life to establish your kingdom on earth. In Jesus name. Amen
Please write back let me know if you said this prayer. God bless you.
Written by: Fadipe Blessing Eliezra

Thank you so much for this write-up. God bless you.
Thank you 🥰